curriculum vitae
jon c. cordova

I have extensive experience managing and driving complex international projects. Through effective communication, good relationships, and sensitivity, I successfully complete tasks without losing sight of the ultimate goals. Organizational skills and quality control are two of my greatest assets, giving me the ability to view processes from the outside while allowing me to develop appropriate solutions to any problems that arise as projects progress. Extensive global work and travel have taken me to over 56 countries and 550 cities, affording me a unique opportunity to learn about cultures, customs and business approaches.
work experience
2002 – Present
Registrar/Curator/Project Manager/Exhibition Coordinator, Switzerland
Worldwide consultant to museums, galleries, private collectors and artists with full responsibility for organization of events and exhibitions (multi-venue); overall responsibility for projects and processes
- Negotiation of contracts and conditions as liaison between lenders and exhibitors
- Full budget responsibility and oversight
- Quality management and project control
- Travel to ensure all objectives and objects are maintained (US, Europe, Asia, Americas)
- Researching objects and condition reporting
- Managing whole lending process
- Producing and controlling texts for catalogues and exhibitions
- Coordinating insurance, transportation and customs
- Ensuring museum standards are used for all transactions
- Supervising packing, unpacking and installation of objects
- Tracking inventories and maintaining databases and providing reports
- Cataloguing of art works for collections including measurements, condition status, medium, photographing, and provenance research
- Insuring registrar procedures and documentation are accurate and filed correctly
- Update specific unique art databases with pertinent information
Projects: Second Skin, Le Corbusier / The Art of Architecture, Rudolf Steiner, Gerrit Rietveld, Pop Art Design, The Human Bodies, Titanic, The Body Exhibition plus various other projects and exhibitions
1997 – 2002
Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
2001 – 2002
Senior Assistant Registrar, Collection
Responsible for the Museum’s Painting and Sculpture Collections and Acquisitions
- Overall responsibility for planning and implementing the transfer of paintings and sculptures to MoMA’s new facility in Queens (included 54 trucks, as well as packing/unpacking, security and related issues)
- Negotiated contracts between shipping agents, donors and others
- Contacted potential donors or sellers to assemble works for bimonthly acquisition meetings
- Traveled globally with art work to ensure its security, safety and maintenance of standards
- Implemented review process for new works incoming into the collection; control this process and reported to the director of the department
- Catalogued newly acquired works, created and updated object and artist files, including condition reports and inventory arrangements
- Determined, arranged, and oversight of storage and permanent packing of acquisitions
- Supervised installation of and maintained collection exhibitions
- Coordinated long-term loans and managed legal aspects
Determined policy and standardization of data corrections, updates and forms
Registrar, Outgoing Loans
Managed loans from the Museum’s Art Collection
- Process and project responsibility for authorizing arrangements between borrowing institutions, agents and shippers
- Evaluated borrowing institutions’ facility reports to approve the viability of loans
- Established new system for generating loan receipts and invoices for insurance and loan fees (bringing up to date a backlog of 5 years invoicing – USD 200’000)
- Negotiated and communicated to borrower’s MoMA’s standards
- Updated provenance files
- Established packing specifications and conformed insurance coverage or indemnit
Accompanied art to domestic and international destinations, including supervising safe transportation, palletizing, customs documentation, packing, unpacking, and installation
1997 – 1999
Senior Registrar Assistant, Exhibitions
Responsible for borrowing art objects for in-house and touring exhibitions
- Full budget responsibility for set-up of exhibitions, including solicited competitive bids for shipping and packing; controlling and reporting to department director
- Implemented contracts with lenders and ensured their requirements
- Responsibility for communication and reporting of details to all involved parties
- Supervised unpacking, installation and repacking of art, coordinated institutional couriers’ schedules and arrangements, evaluated works for variations of condition and prepared reports
- Tracked insurance valuation of loans in-house
- Generated certificates of insurance, created and maintained files, processed invoices, and reviewed condition of installed exhibition
Accompanied art to domestic and international destinations, including supervising safe transportation, palletizing, customs documentation, packing, unpacking, and installation
1994 – 1997
Smithsonian Institution, National Portrait Gallery, Washington,
Museum Registration Technician and Intern
- Tracked movement of objects and verified locations to produce current exhibit and storage indices including weekly inventories of Galleries and Monthly Inventories of Storage Facilities
- Created and maintained databases for all permanent and loan objects from accession to final cataloging, generated current exhibit and storage indices
- Maintained, researched, and verified catalogue entries into museum-wide LAN collection management system
- Researched and located original documentation supporting the Museum’s legal ownership
- Monitored cataloging of new accessions
- Responded to public inquiries
1991 – 1993
International Herald Tribune, Paris, France
Promotional Coordinator
Directed promotional marketing campaign “Clinton’s First 100 Days” including statistical analysis for the associate publisher
1987 – 1994
IBM, Governmental Programs, Washington, DC
Project Coordinator Specialist
- Produced corporate contribution summaries from organizations requesting grants or donations which included reviewing and evaluating donation requests, researching the recipients, analyzing and reporting results findings to accept or decline
- On behalf of the Chairman (John Akers), worked on a major nationwide education initiative for The Business Roundtable; had overall responsibility for speeches, reports, meetings, summaries and final paper
- Initiated and coordinated meetings between IBM executives and members of the US Congress as part of a Congressional Constituent Relations Program to create personal relationships between political and business parties
- Produced issue/policy briefing books for executives to ensure successful meetings with politicians
- Accountable for organizing the data processing workload and special project assignments involving database setups, graphics, and document preparation
- In charge of producing The Business Roundtable Competitiveness booklet; set-up of process and organization for the entire project
Trained staff on various computer applications
1984 – 1987
Realty Executives Real Estate Company, San Diego, California, USA
Office Manager
Overall managerial responsibility for all office functions (e.g., budgeting/accounting/finances, customer services, personnel (12), legal documentation and administration)
1979 – 1984
San Diego Board of Realtors, San Diego, California, USA
Membership Manager, Data Processing Administrator
Was responsible for accounting/finance, customer service, personnel (3), IT and administration
1991 – 1993
American University of Paris, Paris, France, Bachelor of Arts – European Cultural Studies with Concentration in Art History, May 1994 Honors Scholarships
1983 – 1984
Mesa College, San Diego, California, USA, Core university course work
American Association of Museums (AAM) and AAM-Registrar’s Committee
International Council of Museums (ICOM)
English (American) – mother tongue
German – working knowledge (understanding of Swiss German)
French – understanding
computer skills
Word, Excel, Quattro Pro, Access, Collection Management Systems (Museum Plus, Gallery and Vernon)
personal information
Birth date
8 May 1962
Swiss and American
Cinema, art, music, literature, sports
+41 (0) 79 740 15 5